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Diary of a Mama Wannabe

Conceiving, Pregnancy and Baby Oh my!

As I sit here and ponder the amazement of the human reproductive system, I have to wonder what my husband and I have created. Although it’s early in my pregnancy, my baby already has an assigned eye color, skin tone, hair color and GENDER! It is truly amazing. And I am not one of those people who can wait. As soon as I am able to know what sex my baby is, I will. I know that in the good ol days when my mother had me and my brothers she wasn’t able to find out the sex of her future children and had to prepare for a baby, not prepare for a gender. Although I know that is normal, I just can’t wrap my head around it. How can I not find out? I don’t know if I have that kind of patience, or if I even want to be that patient. With the cute things out there nowadays I just cannot wait to shop! Not only shop, but decorate my baby’s room! My husband and I already have a slight (okay, HUGE) idea that if we have a boy we are going to go with a “rock” room. This may consist of having pictures of various rock bands, famous guitarists and drummers (my husband himself is a drummer in a band) framed in the nursery or be covered with The Beatles. I found some awesome ideas out there that I had to share!

Above is an awesome Beatles Yellow Submarine themed room that I absolutely love. Ever since my hippie high school days when I would watch The Yellow Submarine in the dark, not exactly sober, I always imagined what it would be like to step into Pepperland and this room sends you right there. Notice the little boy is included in the mural “Beatle-lized” in between Jeremy the Nowhere Man and the Beatles.

Here’s another neat idea if you don’t want to go too crazy with painting! Here the bathroom is transformed into the Submarine (I think they should have painted it yellow but the blue looks nice too) and have the Beatles poking their heads out of the windows. Cute idea!

This mural above and below which is in the Empik Cafe in Ursus, Warsaw is way more intricate and much harder but wow would the effort and hard work be worth it! I love this mural and would love it! What a great way to expose your baby to good music and artists from the start!

Below is a picture from The Decemberist’s album in tribute to Led Zeppelin and since it is my husband’s favorite band of all time I thought it would be only appropriate to pay homage to them by having some kind of cool mural in the baby’s room! I don’t think in reality we would really ever do this mural, but I still think it’s awesome! Maybe someday.

Of course one of the problems people run into is that they rent and do not own and when you rent you can’t paint! That’s not an issue either! I found some awesome wall decals that you can buy that you can stick on your walls, peel off easily and reuse! This way you not only have to do the work of painting but it’s foolproof and reuseable!

This drum set chalkboard wall decal is super cool because, well obviously your kid (or you) can write on it! I think that’s pretty neat and I don’t know who hasn’t wanted to put their writing on the wall! I think it would be neat to get this and write the lyrics to a song or some songs that you enjoy across the drum set. You can find this product here.

You can also find decals more like the above that are more “childish.” You can customize it to say Tobey’s Band, Alex’s Band, or whatever your child’s name is. This could be really cute and of course you don’t have to put all the sticker decals on one wall like in the picture above. You can put something on each wall and put “Rock it!” over the door frame or the window. You can find this at

If you want a more simple look you can always have decals like the set above which features a guitarist, bass player, singer and drummer. Get this here.

Another idea that my husband and I have is to make “collage” walls with either stickers, record covers, and.or posters. Above are decal stickers of various punk rock groups. My husband has a large collection of records as well as posters of his favorite bands Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, etc. that we could frame on the wall. Here are some ideas of cool collage walls. As you can see we jacked this idea from going out to eat at TGI Friday’s! Haha, but hey, it’s a great idea!



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